New Monkey Frog Website!

22 June, 2023

What’s this? A new, flashy website from Monkey Frog? Well, it’s new, alright. But not so flashy. It’s pretty simple, actually. The point of this new website is for me to be able to post about a few things that I hope some of you will find interesting.


The first is that I'm finally getting started on development of my first official game - Habitat! That’s the current code-name for now, anyway. I plan to create this game using The Game CreatorsGameGuru MAX, but I’m not quite at that stage yet. Which is fine, because, frankly, neither is GameGuru MAX. But I have faith that it will get there (sooner than some people may think, too). I’m still finalizing the GDD (Game Design Doc), gathering reference images, and creating sketches for a wide variety of things for the game. I’m sure to talk about this process at some point! After that will come a ton of modeling and texture/material creation. This is going to be a long process!


Other than chronicling the development of Habitat, I hope to include a tutorial or two every now and then. No guarantees, mind you. But as I encounter things while developing the game and find cool ways to do this or that, I might as well pass those tidbits on to anyone who bothers to read here!


I also plan to talk about GameGuru MAX news. This may include some gripes, too. Basically, if I discover something about MAX or if something about MAX is bothering me, I’m probably going to post about it. Other news may be covered as well, as long as it relates in some way to GameGuru MAX or Habitat.


It’s likely this site and what I cover will change over time. We’ll see. Frankly, I’m going to fly by the seat-of-my-pants with this and hope, in the process, to create something that’s beneficial to someone and, maybe, just a bit entertaining, too.


Oh, and while you’re here? Please be a little forgiving. This site and it’s content are not about grammar and spelling and all of that. I’m going to write more like I’m having a conversation with someone than anything else.


That’s about it for now! Can’t say when the next piece will be added as I am not going be posting on a schedule, but whenever the mood strikes. Hopefully, that mood will strike me sooner rather than later.


Monkey Frog, signing out!